LED-display technology at it´s best – Made in Austria according to your wishes
Do you know LED-displays, classic text-based tickers and LED-video screens? LED-display technology has evolved rapidly in recent years. ACT company has been designing LED-display for over 25 years and is one of the leading European manufacturers.
Yesterdays led-scrolling-message-displays learned to present graphics, animation and video content. Today we talk about led video tickers and video posters. Video walls are not only rigid led panels, two-dimensional LED-display surfaces: Circular, wavy, straight and curved, enveloping forms – imaginative creativity today knows no bounds. LED-modules that are flexible and thin as a sheet or walk-in LED-tiles are one of our featured products.
We have tried to present this diversity on our product pages. You may need no expert knowledge to find exactly the led screen which you really need. None of our special LED-displays is similar to the next. Please choose from our wide range – we are happy to answer your questions.
ACT can offer various solutions for your project. You can then decide, depending on size, number, version, and budget, which variant meets your needs perfectly.
ACT stands for: LED-display technology at its best, best in advice, innovative solutions and fast, reliable communication.
led-display news
Neue LED-Videofahnen, die edle Art zu werben!
News-entryDigitale Außenwerbung Folgeauftrag
News-entryLED-Hinweisschild mit SMS-Steuerung
News-entryLED Mediaboard Zuschlag erhalten
News-entryOutdoor LED-Anzeigen Flughafen Innsbruck
News-entryOutdoor LED-Anzeigen Flughafen Innsbruck
News-entryLast projects

Videowand am Fußballplatz
Allgemein @en, LED Videodisplays, Sports, Full-colored Videodisplays, Advertising
Digitale Außenwerbung in Ladis
Allgemein @en, Communities, LED Videodisplays, Tourism and Gastronomy, Full-colored Videodisplays, Advertising
LED-Billboard in Baiersbronn
Allgemein @en, LED Videodisplays, Road Traffic, Full-colored Videodisplays, Advertising
Große LED-Werbewand am EKZ Schwechat
Advertising, Allgemein @en, Full-colored Videodisplays, LED Videodisplays, Road Traffic, Road Traffic, Advertising
Freistehende Indoor-Videowall
Allgemein @en, LED Videodisplays, Full-colored Videodisplays, Advertising
Dynamische LED-Beschilderung in Serfaus
Allgemein @en, Communities, Digital Signage, Full-colored Videodisplays, Communities, Digital Signage, Road Traffic, Road Traffic, Tourism and Gastronomy, Tourism and Gastronomy, Full-colored Videodisplays
LED-Posterdisplays bei Strassl-Schaider
Allgemein @en, Full-colored Videodisplays, Advertising
Duomet: Firmenwerbung mit Videowand im Pylon
Allgemein @en, Industry, LED Videodisplays, Full-colored Videodisplays, Advertising
Videowand an der Hallenwand von Mondi
Allgemein @en, Industry, Full-colored Videodisplays, Advertising